Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum Braunschweig

The Art X-Ray machine at the

Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum

Brunswick, Germany

Preparation for the examination of a painting with the X-ray device in the Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum

Technical data

Maximum mountable size of painting (W x H): 243 cm x 380 cm
Maximum size of the X-ray image (W x H) 212 cm x 270 cm
25'400 x 32'400 Pixel
824 megapixels
Resolution of the X-ray image: 300 DPI
Pixelsize 0.083 mm
X-ray system: 20 kV – 160 kV
1600 W
Special features: two cameras for stereoscopic 3D imaging
removable painting holder

The German TV station SAT 1 broadcasted a report about this X-Ray machine.
Unfortunately, we are not allowed to show this report here for legal reasons. However, you can watch it for free in the SAT 1 Mediathek. The report is in German, no subtitles are available.

"Scientists X-ray 300-year-old Paintings – and Reveal Astonishing Discoveries"
Another report from SAT 1 deals with a painting by Pascha Weitsch. This report is available in the SAT 1 Mediathek as well. The report is in German, no subtitles are available.

National Museum Oslo